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Statamic Add-ons
We make add-ons for Statamic that help developers all around the world.

Foodbank are a not-for-profit in the pantry to the charity sector. They provide food relief to 2,844 frontline charities and 3,379 school breakfast programs across Australia.

Foodbank in South Australia, who also covers the Northern Territory, approached us looking for a solution that would help them boost their online donations.

They use a payments system for Salesforce called Payments2Us to facilitate their donations, but the donation forms provided by Payments2Us are not flexible or pretty and require either linking to an external form or using and iFrame to embed the form into a website.

In the past Mity have worked with clients of Payments2Us to provide a simple "lead in" form to sit between the donor and Payments2Us form, but the management of this isn't simple - Foodbank wanted something simple, and give them the ability to create campaign landing pages.

This is where Statamic came to the rescue. We built a website that allows Foodbank to create landing page for their individual campaigns. We then built a donation form interface where Foodbank can create a form without coding - they simply add the donation values they want on the form, add some settings for Salesforce to set campaigns (if different from the defaults) and add that to the landing page.

The donation form provides a nice, user-friendly, interface to make the donation, and as the last step passes data entered behind the scenes to the payment section of the Payments2Us form to capture the payment.

We have also taken this concept one step further by using our Variable Number FieldType add-on that allows Foodbank to pass different donation values via URL parameters from their eDM campaigns. This means Foodbank can customise the donation values shown on the form based on a donors past donation amounts without the need to create many variations of the donation form.

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